Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I am amazed how one person can get the entire world’s diplomatic corps’ shorts in such a wad.

I don’t condone… or condemn… what Julian has done. It is… what it is… and the pendulum of forces swings the other way… and Uranus often reveals shocking things… and when Uranus conjuncts with Jupiter, a lot of surprising things… like a quarter of million secret documents with one keyboard stroke and a flash card.

There would not be a problem… if world governments were honest and forthright with their citizens who they are supposed to represent and work for … instead they perpetually lie and line their pockets with taxpayer money and special interest bribes. For a few… war is very profitable… and if necessary they will ‘manufacture’ a reason to start a war.

It goes way back… 1898 the USS Maine blew up and sank in Havana, and the yellow press of the Hurst newspapers had us in the Spanish American War… and years later it was proven that the explosion was simply caused by a coal bin fire and not a terrorist torpedo. The sinking of the luxury liner SS Lusitania by a German U-boat was used as propaganda to get the USA into WWI… again decades later it is proven that the ship was secretly carrying munitions destined for England, thus hiding behind the civilian shield of a passenger ship… Roosevelt and his hierarchy knew the Japanese where going to attack Pearl Harbor and let them so that the public would not object to entering WWII… JFK and the ‘magic’ bullet and lone shooter Oswald… LBJ and the ‘nothing there’ Tonkin Gulf excuse to escalate Viet Nam into a full scale war… the Pentagon Papers that revealed that the military high command knew that Viet Nam war was unwinnable… Nixon and Watergate… then the controlled demolition of Building 7… ‘Pull it’…all rigged and set up to come perfectly straight down within a few hours after the first plane hit the world trade center? …common sense tells one… and any honest demolition expert will tell you, it take days and weeks to plan, rig, and bring a building straight down like that… so why would someone pack their building with explosives and plan to bring it down… before 9/11? …and of course “The Weapons of Mass Destruction” that Saddam never had… and now the longest and most expensive war in American history that may very well bankrupt the nation… are you following the thread here? Lies… Lies… Liars!

A pawn sacrifice is a common strategy in a chess game… and like Lee Harvey Oswald… Julian Assange… may simply be a pawn in their evil game… whose revelations are meant to undermine the current world political structure… so that a ‘new world order’ can miraculously come forward and fix things and restore order… to the chaos they created in the first place!

The solution? …just stop lying.

Don’t hold your breath on that one… check your kits… and try to stay of their way.

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Planetary transits through one’s natal chart and individual reality… are not always pleasant… but they do present one with the opportunity to use the lessons of life to transform negative emotions and to evolve one’s spirit… and to get the ego out of the way… and reconnect with the Creation… and it all resides within… as always… The Great Spirit… that is all of us, and all and everything, and infinite love… which, in my opinion and reality… is our purpose for being here in this illusory reality in the first place.

As you steady, dear readers, can tell… from my tone of late… I’ve been living with some difficult conjuncts and squares… like transiting Saturn activating my entire natal ‘T-Bar’ and Pluto squaring it making it all a jolly grand cross… and a bit of a test… namely for my ego…

A quieter side of myself… yes, I do have one… in the heart chakra area… has managed to quiet my Aries Moon rascal and wiseacre down for a few days now… with calm observations… like, ‘yes, as a mundane astrologer sometimes your prognostications are spot on… just like Nostradamus and Lilly… and all those famous guys…’ Then long silence, and then quiet questions… ‘…and? …so? …does it change anything?’

…I still seem to get caught up in the events like everyone else …and then I begin to lose my impartiality …and after maybe days or weeks of emotional reacting there is a quiet moment …the emotional fogs clear …and there you are …facing your contradictions …again. It seems like some sort of an internal fly wheel or cam… that opens places of awareness… and then closes them for physical experience… now open for reflection and assimilation… that we all constantly are going through… in our lifetimes of evolving experience… thus, it’s true… we never die… we just come around again and take a new course… or repeat the old one that we didn’t quite get the last time around.

…and so it goes through our daily lives …here’s the Saturn transit again …the big ones, conjunct, square, and opposition come around about every seven years …and that becomes the question. What did I not resolve seven years ago? …whatever it was …here it is again, or another version of it …like another layer of the onion of one’s personality …and on it goes as the planets spin.

What brought me to these recent questions and observations is the research that I’ve been doing on the legendary social satirist comedian, the late great Bill Hicks. I’m writing an astrology article on his natal chart that I plan to publish in December on his birthdate. I watched a YouTube video of the uncut performance of his, REVELATIONS, in London, 1993… very brilliant, check it out,

What struck me was… what he was saying about Bush’s (the elder) Iraq war… and all the aftermath… and the repetition of it… and the continuing madness… of all of it… point by point… he relentlessly attacks the social, media, educational, religious, government, financial, military, lies, and slavery that most of us are trapped in… and then it hit me like a shot! He said all this in 1993! Seventeen years ago! …AND ALMOST NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

…and before him the same and or similar points where made by other social satirists like …Richard Pryor …Lenny Bruce …Mort Sahl …Jack Paar …Will Rogers …all the way back to Shakespeare’s dead Yorick, the King’s jester. Thousands of funnier and smarter people than me have made these same points over and over again …for centuries …and for millennium, those who can make a difference and lead us to higher aspirations …we kill them, the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha… why doesn’t it ever change?

…evidently evolution by a series of incarnations …is simply slow …especially when one doesn’t consciously remember the past life… and then one has to start from scratch each lifetime… and go through decades of trial and error experiences… trying to figure it all out again…

George I. Gurdjieff, whose ideas I found during my youth… and have read and studied throughout my life… referred to the bulk of humanity as, “…sleeping machines,” …and that the main goal is to ‘wake up’ and live consciously …and thus realize one’s better potentials and evolve.

From my direct experience… of living and working in various professions in our society for 50 years from the age of 16 to 66… I have confirmed for myself that he is right… 70 to 80 % of the population are total sleep walkers… their opinions being whatever media rumors are circulating at the moment and they’re in the majority of the ever wrong opinion polls… constantly enlisting with ‘us or them’… and basically doing whatever is necessary to maintain the status quo whether it’s insane or not… ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it… those are the rules… and what the polls say’ …and on and on… and nothing changes…

…and from this 70-80% of ‘sleeping machines’ we elect leaders …who are also living an illusion …the ‘successful’ among us are usually those that simply become good at playing the corrupt games that exploit everyone else.

Then there’s the 20-30% of us who are beginning to ‘wake up’ in various stages… who say ‘wait a minute… that’s really not the way things are…’ If you’re a reader of these wiseacrings of mine… you’re probably one the 20-30% of discontents that questions and often rebels against the status quo and obvious insanities… But… we’re always out numbered… and we catch a lot of flack from those who want to stay ‘asleep…’ and just keep things the way they are for… God and Country and whatever… or they’ll break your rabble rousing head!

…then there is the maybe 5% who really do know what’s going on …and then maybe 2% who choose the ‘left hand path’ and the ‘forces of darkness’ and then use this knowledge to secretly influence and exploit everybody everywhere… and another 2% is constantly defending themselves against everybody… as they try and sincerely tell the truth… simply because they’re truth seekers… and they often get assassinated for their efforts…

Then there’s the very small… 1% or less… who finally see through it all… the illusion… and they often just vanish… and then maybe pop up here and there… wherever and whenever they choose… like maybe the recent lady with a cell phone at a Charlie Chaplin movie premiere of THE CIRCUS, at the Hollywood Chinese theater… filmed in 1928… check it out… from FOX news, so maybe take it with a grain or two of salt… you just never know with the special effects editing available these days… it’s interesting, nonetheless;

For some of us… it does change… and we evolve. Others stay in the same ruts for a few lifetimes until they get it… and they change… by an awakening of consciousness… and then by free will choice… they go on to something else… It’s really just that simple. Now, I didn’t say it was easy… There is an old esoteric studies proverb that says, “It’s so easy… it’s the hardest thing in the world to do.”

…so why do I keep doing it? …it’s certainly not for the money from the ‘penny clicks’ of blog residuals from maybe a dozen readers. It’s more like a simple sharing of observations from my path and individual reality …if it helps you or affirms your own observations …then that is purpose enough. Other reasons include …self-actualization (Pluto in Leo generation inclination) …self-therapy and healing through communication, arts, writing (Mercury conjunct Chiron exact in the sign of Virgo) …and all sorts of other aspects and reasons… and mainly because it is a fascinating and amazing exploration of the inner and outer cosmos… that never ends… …and with some individuals like myself …with Mercury in Virgo …one tends to follow the thread through hell and high waters… just to see where it goes.

…enough rainy day ranting…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Juan Williams is fired from NPR after saying people in Muslim attire on airlines worry him on the Bill O’Reilly show… and? …the girls walk out on Bill for saying the Muslims killed us on 9/11… and? Brett Favre is a dirty old man and should retire… and? Gays can serve openly in the military… but not yet… and?

…how does all this affect your life …this moment …in your here and now reality? …and?

Turning off the controlled media television and radio can be a free… and a very effective stress reliever… and probably better for your health…

…the markets opened up today …one of the leaders with higher earnings is McDonalds …all week now old stories are being reprinted and re-written (like it’s news) of how McDonald’s fries and burgers won’t decompose even after decades of being in the open air…

One would think after the 2004 blatant high grossing and well publicized, even Oscar nominated documentary, SUPER SIZE ME… a film documenting the very unhealthy physical results on the independent film maker, Morgan Spurlock, who voluntarily ate nothing but McDonald’s SUPER SIZE ME cuisine for 30 days… that McDonalds would be out of business by now… but, no… profits are up… obese America still waddles into Mac’s for their ‘Happy Meal’… and you still don’t believe that controlled media and commercials hypnotize and brainwash you!?!?

…turn off the damn television …and go cook some vegetables …make a salad …eat an apple …you just might feel better.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I’m an old bohemian-hippy that started smoking pot during my 4 years in the US Army from 1965-69. I won’t go into the reasons why nor ramble on in defense of it… those issues have been argued up and down for decades… and it’s all stuff and nonsense. Pot is and has been a medicinal herb for thousands of years… period. My use of it has more than likely prevented me from committing homicide many times throughout my life. As the late great comedian Richard Pryor said in one of his routines, “Some days… it’s all you can do… just to get through the day… without killing some dumb motherfucker!”

It’s has been more effective in relieving these stresses than either prescribed Xanax and Librium were in my past… and it’s not addictive as those prescribed drugs are… which I painfully learned when I quit them cold turkey almost 20 years ago. When you’re out of pot… you’re just out… no big deal. In my reality… it works… it is my choice of medicine. I’ve had a full life… 66 years so far… and I’m not afraid of death… when it comes… it comes… the final adventure on this 3rd dimensional plane and the spirit goes on to something else… or maybe it comes back for another reincarnate… I’ll try and psychically text a few friends when I get to the ‘whatever hereafter’… or maybe I’ll leave a message on Myspace…

Pot users have always had to be discreet… due to Draconian and archaic attitudes and laws… and corrupt political and business machines who want merely to secretly control these drug cash cows themselves… they simply want the Mexican drug cartels out… so they can control the market… that’s what the bloody and lost drug war is and has been about… wake up! John and Jane Doe America… you’re being conned… again!

Then… for a short period of time… around 2008… laws were passed here in California that allowed for the legal use of marijuana if prescribed by a medical doctor… and I go legal and get my prescription. Finally! The world is getting a little bit sane about a few things… well, not quite… there’s always a catch…

I felt great for a while… going to my secure pharmacy and getting my medicine for even a few dollars less than the old street prices… with my veteran’s discount. These laws even allowed me to grow my own plants for my personal use… up to 6 adults budding and 12 seedlings… I could even bring my excess crop to the pharmacy and donate it for other prescription patients… and something then is donated my way… Marvelous! All legal… on the up and up… no gangs, no violence… for the good of all… love and peace…

But wait… now the local city government steps in… my pharmacy friends now tell me that suppliers have to be registered growers… and be inspected by the police…permits, etc… I really don’t want that intimate of a relationship with any police department… nothing personal… I’ve just observed over the years how that type of system only invites bribery and corruption… so, I just went home and smoked a bowl and waited…

…a week or so later …further city ordinances …now the pharmacy can only be supplied by one registered grower… a big warehouse building somewhere… there are hundreds of abandoned industrial areas in Los Angeles… so, to this 66 year old nose that smells like… a warehouse, halogen lit, hydroponically fed and watered, vitaminized, steroided, bland pot grown by the ton per week… that’s corporate type stuff, big bucks business… that’s why they want the Mexican cartels out… why hassle with smuggling when you can grow it inside any building… and grow it 24/7 year round… the pot heads have sold out and gone corporate…

...and the small farmer is shafted again… just when I thought the liberals might pay me a subsidy NOT to grow crops… what the hey, they paid an uncle of mine not to grow wheat for a couple of decades… and I load another bowl… and chill out… like I said it keeps me from committing homicide.

…so, I cut back my growing …staying within my prescribed numbers …I’m smoking what I’ve got on hand …and canning for the winter months.

…and then Prop 19 on the ballot this November …if it passes everybody in the state can legally grow their personal marijuana plant within a 25 square foot plot (that’s about the size of an average Christmas tree… so, grow it tall… put a lot of nitrogen in the water during the early shoot stage from 6 to 12 inches… I had one that shot up to 5 feet and budding within 3 months with that mix)

…now just yesterday …this Fed guy, Holder …says if Prop 19 passes the Feds and the DEA will be kicking my door down… pulling up my plants… and arresting me.

…so, now …this 66 year old, 5’7”, 130 lb …senior citizen is a dangerous threat and some sort of security risk to the nation… and our way of life… democracy itself, etc, etc… and possibly soon… a felon… who was arrested and convicted for growing a few… legally and medically prescribed… potted marijuana plants on secluded private property inside his visually blocked to six feet high locked gate fenced yard… for his own personal medical needs.

…during one of the many occasional financial slumps of life over the years …that most adults have lived through by now …I needed some cash… and I legally sold my 1911A .45 caliber army surplus pistol to an arms collector… that was the last weapon I ever owned… and that sale was probably one of the smartest things that I’ve ever done… and, now… dear, reader… I’m going to load and spark another bowl… and chill out…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


From Reuters news service,

“The Supreme Court on Wednesday considered whether a church has the right to stage anti-gay protests at U.S. military funerals to promote its claim that God is angry at America for tolerance toward homosexuals.”


…go to the NASA photos web site …check out the billions of galaxies, solar systems …and other planets that various space probes are finding in their space journey for the past decade …and this very minute.

…all those billions of planets are gifts from God …for the inhabitants to do with as they will …some evolve …and some blow themselves up …and or corrupt, rot, and die.

God isn’t mad at anyone. God taught me this in my small garden. Like God plants planets, solar systems, galaxies… I plant seeds in the mini cosmos of my yard garden and flower beds… some take root and they take advantage of the nutrients I’ve provided them and they grow and evolve into a beautiful living being with a soul… for my pleasure… and nutrition… and when I eat them… they become part of me… thus they evolve some more… and some rot and die… and some are runts and don’t realize their potentials… and they all eventually die… and Mother Earth, Gaia, absorbs their souls and next season they reincarnate as another plant when their soul enters the baby… as it sprouts its first leaf above ground… and is born.

…I am a watchful Lord of the Garden …I hear their prayers …’oh, help us… snails are eating us!’ …and then I am a vengeful Lord of the Garden …and I snatch the snail from a stalk and cast him over the fence into the dark outer regions of the park next door where he will probably be eaten by the Crows who hang out there …and I spread poison pellets here and there for the snails to slide across and die.

…one day, while weeding and unconditionally loving them all …I noticed an unusual thing …one of the plants chose to be a hermaphrodite …it had both flowering buds and on another stalk male pollen sacks …it was both male and female …bisexual? …homosexual? …whatever, it was born that way!

I wasn’t angry at the little plant… I gently pulled up some small Dandelion sprouts nearby… and I thought… ‘…this will be interesting to watch as it grows…’

Then I sat in my garden chair and sipped at my coffee… and marveled at the unique beauty of each and every plant …I felt no anger …I never feel anger in the sanctuary of my garden …and then a quiet voice within my chest spoke to me ‘…there …you see …that’s how it is…’

Friday, April 30, 2010


She is the acme of hustle… and con… making a buck off of absolutely nothing… the classic ‘good ole boy/gal’ con… an example would be the classic early Andy Griffith film role in 1957, “A Face In The Crowd”… It’s a great movie… check it out. And I predict that eventually Sarah Palin’s public life with have a similar ending as that movie.

Hustle… she did become a state governor… and she did hustle money for bridges to nowhere as do most politicians… again the American dream… to be a successful rich and powerful politician… and she did abuse her power, as it was revealed in the “Troopergate” scandal… and she tried to cover it up… in the midst of her being MaCain’s running mate in 2007… and then got hustled by the Republican party sticking her with the $500,000 legal fees for her defense in the affair…

…and like any con man …she is maliciously smart… on the road with McCain she meets big league con people… producers from Lalaland… who have Master Degrees from the Academy of Hustle… and she begins her apprenticeship… the tricks are learned quickly… she has speaking talent and a charisma… ‘star power’… in a unique ‘niche’ market… the crazy radical right…

Astrologically, there are 12 basic archetype human ‘niches’… and roughly each representing 8% of the population… of 300 million… that’s 24 million… and of that… 10% are the radical right… and that’s 2.4 million viewers who will religiously watch whatever program their messiah appears on… and in current cable and satellite broadcasting… that’s a very profitable share rating… especially for low budget ‘reality’ style production programs…

…so, yeah …why keep a pain in the butt $125,000 a year job, with on going legal hassles …being billed for $500,000 for legal fees from the mess the Republican party drafted her into?

These producer and promoter guys are offering her a $100,000 per public speech with private jet to take her and entourage there and put her up in a swank hotel and then fly her back to Alaska… or to the next gig… and then let’s publish a book deal… guaranteed 2.4 millions sales from the faithful… so, she quit the governor job and took her act on the road and published a book… and whatever she makes or publishes …she’s got 2.4 million steady suckers… truly a master con… she learned well during her vice presidential campaign.

And that’s the American dream …and we’re all part of it …including me and perhaps you, dear reader. I still work at the age of 65 as a media specialist QC operator …I watch and review movies very closely for any imperfections, glitches, audio sync and proper levels, or rating content violations that a cable or satellite customer might complain about… and pass or fail the broadcast copy before it airs… It’s a good comfortable job, the pay is middle income… which is enough for my age and lifestyle…

…there are some drawbacks… the California car culture of a daily 65 mile round trip commute… some job stress… if you screw up and it broadcasts, you get fired… and no coffee or food in the reviewing booth… and you have to watch the feature closely with earphones… the good, the bad, and the ugly… all of it, to include the credits, and all the versions of it …HDX, HD, and SD, and all the broadcast bit rates for the various bandwidths… and all the related trailers of the feature… checking the video, the audio, and the content by rating, etc… with zero tolerance of errors…

…and when in doubt, cover your butt and fail it, and request another copy. If the super checks it and overrides my fail… it’s their initials on the broadcast sheet… not mine… not on my shift… and we’re all part of it… the American dream…

…my dream? …I have an incredible come back as a ‘character’ actor… I’m always bumping elbows with producer types in the hallways at the broadcast studios… I have some occasional celebrity astrology clients… and some day somebody is going to say, ‘Hey, that old guy is perfect for the occasional role of the ‘eccentric old grandfather’ in this pilot family sitcom I’m producing…’

I do an audition and get the part… and it’s a hit, and the series goes into production… and then I make a few grand per episode, with re-run residuals, appearing in 1 out of 3 or 4 episodes… maybe a dozen lines, just hit the marks without looking… say your jokes… and it’s a wrap …and a limo picks me up and takes me home… or at least they give me a reserved parking space in the studio lot …and then some beautiful young starlet falls in love with me and wants to have my baby… and that’s my meditation visualization… of a great retirement… and part time job…

…and, yeah …when I get the part …just like Sarah …I’m going to quit my day job …and go for it …the American dream.

…row, row, row your boat gently down the stream …merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream… and then… we all live happily ever after…

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I have witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet empire… an illusion of lies that promised utopia and delivered nothing. Now we are witnessing and living through Capitalism exhausting itself… Religious credibility is crumbling daily amidst scandalous revelations of sexual abuse to children… and extremist violence… and the citizen’s approval rating of its government is at a pathetic 22%...

Self empowerment is the only way out of the madness… one can not depend on the culture, its leaders, its government, its changing values, its empty religion business… they can’t fix you… they only exploit you and make things worse. Dump it all… look within… find your higher self… and your conscience and follow it…

…and when you find and awaken your inner power to change your individual reality to the better …help others to do the same …by simply pointing the way …that’s all one can do …they are the ones who must tread the spiritual path on their own …survival will provide the answers …the continued exploitation of the many by the few will destroy it all …as we know it now.

As Uranus transits into Aries… violent revolutions will probably erupt throughout the planet… and in May of 2011 Neptune will ingress (transit) into the sign that it rules, Pisces… and on the positive side it can be a time of genuine spiritual awakening in many… and a movement to live in a much more humane manner with respect to all and world cooperation in which all may flourish… while others will perish in the quagmires of corruption, exploitation, and deceit that we are living through now…

It won’t be easy… but it is inevitable…

…may the peace and love of the cosmos be with you…